by virginia

9 slides

English cheese

Published May 4, 2018 in Business & Management
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English cheese... Read more

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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript


Six are the English cheeses that have made the glory of English cuisine: Cheshire, Cheddar, Leicester, Wensleydale, Gloucester and Stilton..

1. CHESHIRE It is a dense cheese It’s made with cow's milk. It comes in three varieties: red, white and blue.

2. CHEDDARIt is a pale cheese.It’s made with pasteurized cow’s milk.It can be soft, hard, acid, stale or dry.

3. LEICESTERIt is a cow's milk cheese.I’ts sweet.It’s suitable for grilling.

4. WENSLEYDALEIt’s made with cow's milk.Its rind is greyish or whitish. It’s very creamy inside.

5. GLOUCESTER It’s made from pasteurized cow's milk. It’s semi-hard. There are two types and both have a rounded shape.

6. STILTON It’s a blue cheese.It’s made with cow's milk. It’s usually eaten with a spoon.

Say cheese!