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An agile big data analytic engine
The BigObject: What and Why?www.thebigobject.com
The BigObject: TargetOur Focuswww.thebigobject.com
ApplicationComputing Engine for BI ToolMulti-dimensional InfographicsPre-built Components: Association for Recommendation SystemSignificance for Market SegmentationLog AnalysisException DetectionComputing Engine in Scientific FieldsClimate SimulationDNA Sequencingwww.thebigobject.com
PerformanceCompute 1M Data RecordsCompute 100M Data Records0.07BigObject MySQL PostgresSQL Commercial DBwww.thebigobject.com
Why the BigObject Outperforms Others?Technical Principles of the BigObjectwww.thebigobject.com
Dealing With Big DataThe Portraits of Big Data3Vs of big data: Volume, Velocity, VarietyWe have dealt with Volume by Scale-out and Velocity by Scale-up Another V shouldn’t be neglected – Valence, the degree of interdependency among data components, which normally causes data shuffling.In-place Computing Model is designed to solve high-valence big data problems.www.thebigobject.com
Scale-Out, Scale-Up, and Spread out the data components over a flat, virtually infinite address space, where data are ready for the CPU to compute.Scale-Inwww.thebigobject.com
264: Nearly Infinite The introduction of 64-bit CPU evokes revisit to the software discipline.When address space is nearly infinite, why don’t we place the data components over it and make them ready for computations instead of moving the data to program?In-place Computing Approach can be the lingua franca of big data analytic applicationswww.thebigobject.com
Time to Revisit the Computing ModelTraditional ApproachIn-place Approach1. Data Retrievals2. Juggling3. SwappingPaging(On-demand)www.thebigobject.com
The BigObjectwww.thebigobject.com
Website: www.thebigobject.com Contact: info@thebigobject.com
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By thebigobject
Published Oct 22, 2013