by iradcliffe

9 slides

10. Ethics and Mathematics.pptx

Published Aug 21, 2013 in Business & Management
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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript

‘Through different methods of justification, we can reach conclusions in ethics that are as well-supported as those provided in mathematics.’ To what extent would you agree?

(Different methods of) JustificationEthicsMathematicsWell-supportedWhat are the key words?

What does well supported mean in mathematics?What does well supported mean in ethics?Are there any similarities?What do they mean by “well-supported”?

What Aok and WoK?MathematicsReasonEthicsReasonEmotion

Compare and contrastWhat do mathematics and ethics have in common?How do they differ?Can you think of real life examples to illustrate your point? Or even better, can you use a personal anecdote?

Where on this continuum would you place mathematics and ethics?Objective vs. SubjectiveObjectiveSubjective

Possible Arguments or Knowledge claimsClaimsMathematics is always rightEthics is too “gray”.Ethics relies on emotion, rather than reason.Mathematics cannot be used to make ethical decisions.There is no such thing as absolute truth in ethics, like there is in mathematicsCounter-claimsMathematics is not always right, e.g. Ethics can be black and white if a code is followed e.g. the bible (or maybe not)Ethical conclusions are arrived at through a process of logical deduction.Mathematics is used everyday to make ethical decisions e.g. criminal trials.There is such a thing as absolute truth in ethics. E.g. God’s law, the inner-voice, conscience, most of the world believe in religious laws of some kind...

To what extent can ethical conclusions be justified trough reason?Can mathematics be used to make ethical decisions?To what extent do knowledge communities value conclusions arrived at through emotion rather than reason?Do mathematics and ethics seek the same kind of knowledge?Possible knowledge Issues

Solutions to ethical dilemmas can be arrived at through deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, emotions or an amalgam of any or all three.Solutions to mathematical problems can only be found through reasoning, preferably deductive.If a conclusion is arrived at in ethics through a process of deductive reasoning, then it could be said to be “as well-supported as those provided in mathematics”.However, Monty Python’s “she’s a witch” sketch illustrates that even deductive reasoning can be faulty. It all depends on the original propositions or axioms of the argument. Possible answers to the question