by redturtlesolutionsllc

40 slides

More Pocket Cash.ppt

Published Aug 16, 2013 in
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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript

Catch The Game Wave!Welcome to the MOST exiting announcement in years !More Pocket Ca$h

Do you play games online or off-line?

What about these games ?

Or…the # 1 game?

How much money did you win or were you paid to play these games?How many minutes a day did you play?

About 45 million people play the game Candy Crush each month and about 40% of all Americans play some form of a game each day!**Source: Sony Corp

So you know these games or you have heard about them!Playing games on the internet, iPads and on cell phones is the latest trend!Now we have an opportunity to get in on the fun game that is going to go Worldwide and we can become founding players!Would that be of any interest to you?

What if you had a game that you could play on your Smart Phone or on the Internet at anytime and win a free Cruise for two (2) would you be interested ?More Pocket Ca$h

Now for only .33 cents a day you can have the time of your life playingthis great game for prizes, Gifts and cash! More Pocket Ca$h

Our game is simple…our game has prizes, gifts and cash!Would you like to play?

or…Win a “FREE” Cruise for Two !

To enroll in this fun game you need to purchase the best app available today… You can be a player by joining one of our players for only $9.95 per month!More Pocket Ca$h

We want to introduce you to “More Pocket Ca$h” the most exciting game you have ever played!More Pocket Cash!


HOW DO I MAKE $$$??You =

How do you get started with this great game ?You are at the right place at the right time with the right people !Here is how !!!!

BUILD YOUR TEAM OF PLAYERS!!! Invite others to play the “More Pocket Ca$h” game. Help them to understand the rules… and grow their team of players. Everyone Benefits!

The Power of 3!!!Begins With YOU!Building a 3 X 9 Matrix of Players.

The Power of 3!!!231YOUEVERYONE Only Has 3 POSITIONS In Their First LevelThis Is How YOUR Matrix Builds.POSITIONS Can Be filled By YOU. Or From Someone Above You.Or From Someone Below You. YOU Can Earn From EVERYONE In YOUR Matrix

The Power of 3!!!Level 1Level 2Level3And On And On – 9 LEVELS DEEP!!YOU 3 21RememberYOU CanEarn From EVERYONE In YOUR Matrix


The Power of 3!!!1YOU$39.00 Per MonthIf You Only Personally Invite One PlayerWith A Full Matrix

The Power of 3!!!21YOU$1,092.00 Per MonthIf You Only Personally Invite Two PlayersWith A Full Matrix

The Power of 3!!!231YOU$26,635.00 Per MonthBut, If You Personally Invite Three PlayersWith A Full Matrix

What does a WINNER look like ?231YOUEVERYONE Only Has 3 POSITIONS In Their First Level456789101112

What would a full matrix mean ?Level 1 3 personals = 3 .30Level 2 3 x 3 = 9 9.90Level 3 9 x 3 = 27 4.05Level 4 27 x 3 = 81 12.15Level 5 81 x 3 = 243 36.45Level 6 243 x 3 = 729 109.35Level 7 729 x 3 = 2187 = $2,515.05Level 8 2187 x 3 = 6561 = $4,264.65Level 9 6561 x 3 = 19, 683 = $19,683.00$26,635.00 per month !

So you are not a serious player…What would $2,600 dollars do for your families standard of living ? That is ONLY 10% of a full matrix!OK ! You only need a few hundred dollars extra each month…what would $260 extra each month do for your family? That is only 1% and trust me any and everyone can do 1% of this game !

What would an extra $2,600 a month do for you and your family? 1. Travel 2. More time with your family 3. A new car 4. A new home…

The rules of the game will be given to you as soon as you become a player and they are so simple a 5th grader can do it !

Now letsplay together…Get with the player who invited you to see this game and get on their team now…Because we are Players !OK . . .

More Pocket Ca$h is the greatest game in the World…. by iFromHome ©

!On behalf of The “iFromHome” team we want to thank you for your attendance.Please get in touch with me at:redturtlesolutionsllc@gmail.comOr 910-736-8051 to get in the game now!“Team Work Makes the Dream Work !”