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Michael Thomas, Investment Head of Hendren Group, to Attend CAPANA's 6th Annual Research Conference in July

Published Jun 20, 2013 in Business & Management
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Michael Thomas, Investment Head of Hendren Group, to Attend CAPANA's 6th Annual Research Conference in July... Read more

(1888 PressRelease) The Chinese Accounting Professors' Association of North America (CAPANA) extends its invitation to both members and non-members to submit papers to its forthcoming Sixth Annual Research Conference to be held in Hong Kong on July 7-9, 2013. Michael Thomas, Head of Investments Analysis of Hendren Group, will is slated to attend the conference.

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Michael Thomas, Investment Head of Hendren Group, to Attend CAPANA's 6th Annual Research Conference in July
1888 Press Release - The Chinese Accounting Professors' Association of North America (CAPANA) extends its invitation to both members and non-members to submit papers to its forthcoming Sixth Annual Research Conference to be held in Hong Kong on July 7-9, 2013. Michael Thomas, Head of Investments Analysis of Hendren Group, will is slated to attend the conference.

The conference is sponsored by the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Hong Kong. Papers in all areas of accounting using all available methodologies are welcome. The conference aims to bring together accounting scholars from around the world to discuss several high-quality research papers.

Hendren Group employs numerous effective techniques like basic and quantitative analysis in its own approach to research. It hopes to participate actively in this conference to enhance its capability to help build sustainable wealth for its clients. It will also serve as a venue for testing and measuring its own proven track-record of success against other fellow investment professionals.

Approximately 8 papers will be selected for presentation at the conference. Submitted papers should be well developed, but at a stage where they can still benefit from participants' discussion. The format of the presentation should be similar to a regular workshop except that there will be a discussant for each paper.