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Published May 6, 2013 in
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presented by
Harry S. Dent, Jr.
The Great China Bubble,
Global Demographic Trends and
Growth in Emerging Countries
The Great China Bubble
Chinese Urban Population vs. Birth Rate
Source: United Nations
China GDP Growth
Data Source: Bloomberg, 2013
YoY Percent Change
China, PMI
Data Source: Bloomberg, 2013
China, Trends
Year over Year Change
Source: Bloomberg, 2013
Declining Personal Consumption in China 1952-2012
Source: The Economist “One-Track Bind.” 9/24/2011; World Bank, 2013
Change in China Components of GDP
Source: Organization for Economic Co-operative Development, 2013
Chinese Capital Spending
Source: Pivot Capital Management
Chinese Investment Bubble
Source: Pivot Capital Management
Chinese Capital Spending
Source: Pivot Capital Management
Chinese Credit Bubble
Source: Pivot Capital Management
Housing Units vs. Household Formation
Source: Pivot Capital Management, 2010
Home Price to Income Ratio in Emerging and Developed World Cities, 2012
Source: www.numbeo.com
Steel Capacity
Source: Pivot Capital Management
Cement Capacity
Source: Pivot Capital Management
Aluminum Capacity
Source: Pivot Capital Management
Economies Exposed by Exports to China
Source: Bloomberg Business Week, “The Slowdown in China: Who’s Exposed,” 7/11/2011
Exports as a Percent of GDP in Select Countries
Data Source: The World Bank, 2012
Percent of GDP Exported to China in Select Countries
Data Source: The World Bank, 2011, Bloomberg Business Week, “The Slowdown in China: Who’s Exposed,” 7/11/2011
China’s Global Share of Selected Commodities
Source: The Economist; “A Game of Catch-up,” 9/24/2011
29-30 Year Commodity Price Cycle
CRB Index (PPI before 1947) 1913-2040
Data Source: Bloomberg, 2013
34-36 Year Geopolitical Cycle
Dow Industrials
Data Source: HS Dent, Yahoo Finance, 2013
250-Year Revolutionary Cycle
Protestant Revolution Capitalist Revolution
American Revolution French Revolution Industrial Revolution
2nd American Revolution Emerging World Revolution Network Revolution
Global Demographic Trends
Europe, Spending Wave vs. Workforce Growth, 1950-2100
Source: United Nations
U.S. vs. Spain, House Price Index, 1995-2012
Source: “Investment Focus: The Pain in Spain,” Carmel Asset Management; Bloomberg, 2013
Index 100= 1995
U.S. vs. Spain, % of Workforce Involved in Construction
Data Source: Bloomberg, 2013
Bankruptcies in Spain
Data Source: National Institute of Statistics, Spain, 2013
Latin America/Caribbean, Spending Wave vs. Workforce Growth, 1950-2095
Source: United Nations
East Asia, Spending Wave vs. Workforce Growth, 1950-2100
Source: United Nations
Southeast Asia, Spending Wave vs.
Workforce Growth, 1950-2100
Source: United Nations
South Asia, Spending Wave vs. Workforce Growth, 1950-2100
Source: United Nations
Middle East/North Africa, Spending Wave vs. Workforce Growth, 1950-2100
Source: United Nations
Sub-Saharan Africa, Spending Wave vs.
Workforce Growth, 1950-2100
Source: United Nations
Source: United Nations
Japan 1
Russia 1
US 1 Europe
Japan 2 S. Korea
China 2 Russia 2
US 2 Indonesia Brazil
Mid East Saudi Arabia
Pakistan N. Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Mexico SE Asia
China 1
Global Innovation/Inflation Wave
Global Spending Wave
Source: United Nations
Japan 1
Russia 1
US 1 Europe
Japan 2 S. Korea
China 2 Russia 2
US 2 Indonesia Brazil
Mid East Saudi Arabia
Pakistan N. Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Mexico SE Asia
China 1
Growth in Emerging Countries
Source: Maddison, Angus. The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective. 2001 Development Center Studies, OECD, 2012
Urbanization Rates in Select Developed Countries
% Urbanization
Western Europe
U.S., Australia, New Zealand
The Wealth Curve The S-Curve of Industrialization/Urbanization
Percent Adoption
Source: Dent Research
Source: Euromonitor International, World Income Distribution, 2008/2009, 6th Edition.
Income by Age, 10-Year Cohorts
Distribution of Income in China, 2011
Source: China National Bureau of Statistics, 2012
Distribution of Income in India, 2011
Source: India Bureau of Statistics, 2012
GPD per capita PPP in 2011 International Dollars vs.
Urbanization Rate
% Urban
GDP Per Capita
Source: Angus Maddison and World Bank
$10,008 in 2011 Int’l Dollars
Brazil, Spending Wave vs. Workforce Growth,
Source: United Nations
GPD per capita PPP in 2011 International Dollars vs.
Urbanization Rate
% Urban
GDP Per Capita
Source: Angus Maddison and World Bank
$9,498 in 2011 Int’l Dollars
China, Spending Wave vs. Workforce Growth, 1950-2095
Source: United Nations
GPD per capita PPP in 2011 International Dollars vs.
Urbanization Rate
% Urban
GDP Per Capita
Source: Angus Maddison and World Bank
$3,870 in 2011 Int’l Dollars
India, Spending Wave vs. Workforce Growth, 1950-2095
Source: United Nations
GPD per capita PPP in 2011 International Dollars vs.
Urbanization Rate
% Urban
GDP Per Capita
Source: Angus Maddison and World Bank
$5,089 in 2011 Int’l Dollars
GPD per capita PPP in 2011 International Dollars vs.
Urbanization Rate
% Urban
GDP Per Capita
Source: Angus Maddison and World Bank
$14,689 in 2011 Int’l Dollars
GPD per capita PPP in 2011 International Dollars vs.
Urbanization Rate
% Urban
GDP Per Capita
Source: Angus Maddison and World Bank
$12,154 in 2011 Int’l Dollars
GPD per capita PPP in 2011 International Dollars vs.
Urbanization Rate
% Urban
GDP Per Capita
Source: Angus Maddison and World Bank
$3,847 in 2011 Int’l Dollars
GPD per capita PPP in 2011 International Dollars vs.
Urbanization Rate
% Urban
GDP Per Capita
Source: Angus Maddison and World Bank
$1,448 in 2011 Int’l Dollars
Source: United Nations
In Billions
Total World Population Projection for 2010 -2100
History of World Population Growth
*Ratio scale shows constant percentage growth rate a straight, upward-sloping line; linear scale shows equal absolute increases, so steady percentage growth rate; to curve up; Source: Forbes, January 25, 1999. pp 58-59.;Research: Edwin S. Rubenstein, research director, Hudson Institute, Indianapolis.
Data: Colin McEvedy and Richard Jones, Atlas of World Population History: U.N. Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 1998 Revision: Census Bureau.
Population in Millions (Ratio Scale)
Population in Millions (Ratio Scale)
Projections for GDP in 2065 U.S., China and India
Source: Dent Research
Japan Nikkei Bubble and Bust
Data Source: Bloomberg
Bubbles Are Like Orgasms
Masters and Johnson Sexual Response Cycle
Excitement & Plateau (Arousal)
Desire (Appetitive)
Source: Masters and Johnson
EEM vs. CRB Index
CRB Index
Data Source: Yahoo Finance, 2013
Shanghai Composite - China
5th Wave Peak and A-B-C Correction, 1995-2015
Data Source: Bloomberg, 2013
Sensex - India
Data Source: Bloomberg, 2013
Bovespa – Brazil
Data Source: Yahoo! Finance, 2013
Cement Consumption per Capita, 1900-2012
Source: SG Cross Asset Research, USGS, Italcementi, 2013, Metric Tons
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