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Allow me to introduce myself © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Organizing Drupal events since 2009 6+ years of experience on PHP Claudio Beatrice @omissis PHP, Drupal & Symfony consulting Web Radio Telecommunications
WhatÕs Symfony2 © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 A reusable set of standalone, decoupled, and cohesive PHP 5.3 components A full-stack web framework A Request/Response framework built around the HTTP speciÞcation A promoter of best practices, standardization and interoperability An awesome community!
Leave The STUPID Alone © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 As time went by, habits and practices that once seemed acceptable have proven that they were making our code harder to understand and maintain. In other words, STUPID. But what makes code such a thing? ¥ S ingleton ¥ T ight coupling ¥ U ntestability ¥ P remature optimization ¥ I ndescriptive naming ¥ D uplication
Singleton © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 ItÕs a design pattern that restricts the creation of an object to one instance(think of a DB connection). It does introduce undesirable limitations (what if weÕll need TWO DB connections?), global state and hidden dependencies which are all making code harder to test and more coupled.
Singleton © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 class DB { !!!! private static $instance ; !!!! private function __construct () !!!! { // ... code goes here ... !!!! } !!!! public static function getInstance () !!!! { !!!!!!!! if ( empty (self :: $instance )) { !!!!!!!!!!!! self :: $instance = new self; !!!!!!!! } !!!!!!!! return self :: $instance ; !!!! } // ... more code goes here ... }
Tight Coupling © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Introduces hardcoded dependencies between classes, which complicates: ¥ code reuse ¥ unit testing ¥ integration ¥ modiÞcations It happens when classes are put in relation by using type hints , static calls or direct instantiation .
Tight Coupling © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 // An example of tight coupling class House { !!!! public function __construct () { !!!!!!!! $this -> door = new Door(); !!!!!!!! $this -> window = new Window(); !!!! } } // And a possible solution class House { // Door and Window are interfaces !!!! public function __construct (Door $door , Window $window ) { !!!!!!!! $this -> door = $door ; !!!!!!!! $this -> window = $window ; !!!! } }
Untestability © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 If code is complex , tightly coupled or trying to do too much , then thereÕs a good chance that itÕs also quite hard if not impossible to test it in isolation. The lack of proper test coverage will make code harder to maintain and change, as it becomes very difÞcult to tell if any modiÞcation is actually breaking something.
Premature Optimization © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Most of the time major performance issues are caused by small portions of code(80/20 rule). It is easier to optimize correct code than to correct optimized code . Performance are not always a concern, therefore optimize when itÕs a proved problem , youÕll save time and raise productivity.
Indescriptive Naming © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors. -- Phil Karlton, variated by the Interwebs Even if hard , naming is a fundamental part of the job and should be considered part of the documentation, therefore remember to: ¥ communicate intents ¥ favor clarity over brevity ¥ think that code is read far more often than written , so itÕs more convenient to ease ÒreadsÓ over ÒwritesÓ
Duplication © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 How many times did they tell you to not repeat yourself?
BE SOLID! © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 What alternatives to write STUPID code do we have? Another acronym to the rescue: SOLID! It encloses Þve class design principles : ¥ S ingle responsibility principle ¥ O pen/closed principle ¥ L iskov substitution principle ¥ I nterface segregation principle ¥ D ependency inversion principle
Single Responsibility © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Every class should have a single responsibility and fully encapsulate it. If change becomes localized, complexity and cost of change are reduced, moreover thereÕs less risk of ripple effects. There should never be more than one reason for a class to change.
Single Responsibility © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 interface Modem { !!!! function dial ( $phoneNumber ); !!!! function hangup (); !!!! function send ( $message ); !!!! function receive (); } The above interface shows two responsibilities: connection management and data communication, making them good candidates for two separate interfaces/implementations.
Open/Closed © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Software entities (classes, functions, etc) should be open for extension, but closed for modiÞcation. This principle states that the source code of software entities shouldnÕt ever be changed: those entities must be derived in order to add the wanted behaviors. Client Server Client Abstract Server Server
Liskov Substitution © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering any of the desirable properties of that program, such as correctness and performed task. It intends to guarantee semantic interoperability of object types in a hierarchy.
Liskov Substitution © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 class Rectangle { protected $width ; protected $height ; !! function setWidth ( $width ) { ...} !! function getWidth () {...} !! function setHeight ( $height ) {...} !! function getHeight () {...} } class Square extends Rectangle { !! function setWidth ( $width ) { $this -> width = $width ; $this -> height = $width ; } !! function setHeight ( $height ) { $this -> width = $height ; $this -> height = $height ; } } function draw (Rectangle $r ) { $r -> setWidth ( 5 ); $r -> setHeight ( 4 ); // is it correct to assume that changing the width of a Rectangle leaves is height unchanged? assertEquals( 20 , $r -> setWidth () * $r -> setHeight () ); }
Liskov Substitution © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 The ßaw in the Rectangle-Square design shows that even if conceptually a square is a rectangle, a Square object is not a Rectangle object, since a Square does not behave as a Rectangle . As a result, the public behavior the clients expect for the base class must be preserved in order to conform to the LSP.
Interface Segregation © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Many client-speciÞc interfaces are better than one big one. This principle helps decreasing the coupling between objects by minimizing the intersecting surface. interface MultiFunctionPrinter { !!!! function print ( ... ); !!!! function scan ( ... ); !!!! function fax ( ... ); } interface Printer { !!!! function print ( ... ); } interface Scanner { !!!! function print ( ... ); } interface Fax { !!!! function print ( ... ); }
Dependency Inversion © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 ¥ High-level entities should not depend on low-level entities and both should depend on abstractions. ¥ Abstractions should not depend upon details: details should depend upon abstractions. Component A Component A Service Component B Component A Package Component B Package
© 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 class Vehicle { !!!! protected $ tyres ; !!!! public function __construct () { !!!!!!!! $this -> tyres = array_fill ( 0 , 4 , new Tyre( 50 )); !!!! } } class Tyre { !!!! private $diameter ; !!!! public function __construct ( $diameter ) { !!!!!!!! $this -> setDiameter ( $diameter ); !!!! } !!!! public function setDiameter ( $diameter ) { !!!!!!!! $this -> diameter = $diameter ; !!!! } !!!! public function getDiameter () { !!!!!!!! return $this -> diameter ; !!!! } } Dependency Inversion
© 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 namespace Vehicle; class Vehicle { !!!! protected $tyres ; !!!! function addTyre (AbstractTyre $tyre ) { !!!!!!!! $this -> tyres [] = $tyre ; !!!! } } namespace Tyre; use Vehicle\AbstractTyre ; class RaceTyre extends AbstractTyre { !!!! private $compound ; !!!! function setCompound ( $compound ) {...} !!!! function getCompound () {...} } namespace Vehicle; abstract class AbstractTyre { !!!! private $diameter ; !!!! function __construct ( $diameter ) {...} !!!! function setDiameter ( $diameter ) { ...} !!!! function getDiameter () { ...} } Dependency Inversion
How About Symfony Now? © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Being aware of the principles of software development mentioned earlier allow us to better understand some of the choices that have been made for the framework as well as some of the tools that have been made available, such as: ¥ Class Loader ¥ Service Container ¥ Event Dispatcher ¥ HTTP Foundation ¥ HTTP Kernel
Class Loader © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 It loads your projectÕs classes automatically if theyÕre following a standard PHP convention aka PSR-0 . ¥ Doctrine\Common\IsolatedClassLoader => /path/to/project/lib/vendor/ Doctrine/Common/IsolatedClassLoader.php ¥ Symfony\Core\Request => /path/to/project/lib/vendor/ Symfony/Core/Request.php ¥ Twig_Node_Expression_Array => /path/to/project/lib/vendor/ Twig/Node/Expression/Array.php ItÕs a great way to get out of the require_once hell while gaining better interoperability and lazy loading at the same time.
A Service is any PHP object that performs a ÒglobalÓ task: think of a Mailer class. A Service Container is a special object (think of it as an Array of Objects on Steroids ) that centralizes and standardizes the way objects are constructed inside an application: instead of directly creating Services, the developer conÞgures the Container to take care of the task. Service Container © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 aka Dependency Injection Container
Event Dispatcher © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 A lightweight implementation of the Observer Pattern , it provides a powerful and easy way to extend objects. Observer +update ConcreteObserver1 +update ConcreteObserver2 +update Observable +attach +detach +notify ConcreteObservable +attach +detach +notify
Event Dispatcher © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher; $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); $callable = function (Event $event ) use ( $log ) { $log ->addWarning( Ôth3 n1nj4 d1sp4tch3r 1s 4ft3r y0uÕ ); } $dispatcher ->addListener( Ôfoo.barÕ , $callable ); $dispatcher ->dispatch( Ôfoo.barÕ , new Event());
HTTP Foundation © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Symfony2 HttpFoundation component replaces the PHPÕs global variables and function that represent either requests or responses with an object-oriented layer. use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; // $request = Request :: createFromGlobals(); $request ->query->get( ÔfooÕ ); // returns bar // simulate a request $request = Request :: create( '/foo' , 'GET' , array( 'name' => 'Bar' )); use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; $response = new Response( 'Content' , 200 , array( 'content-type' => 'text/html' )); // check the response is HTTP compliant and send it $response ->prepare( $request ); $response ->send();
HTTP Kernel © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 The Kernel is the core of Symfony2: it is built on top of the HttpFoundation and its main goal is to ÒconvertÓ a Request object into a Response object using a Controller, which in turn can be any kind of PHP callable. interface HttpKernelInterface { !!!! const MASTER_REQUEST = 1 ; !!!! const SUB_REQUEST = 2 ; !!!! /** * ... * @return Response A Response instance * ... * @api */ !!!! function handle (Request $request , $type = self :: MASTER_REQUEST , $catch = true ); }
HTTP Kernel © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Request resolve controller controller resolve arguments request response view exception call controller Response terminate exception Sub- Request Òsub-responseÓ content Workßow
Symfony is not enough © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 LetÕs take a look at some of the most important third-party libraries
Doctrine2 © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 The Doctrine Project is made of a selected set of PHP libraries primarily focused on providing persistence services and related functionality: ¥ Common ¥ Database Abstraction Layer ¥ Object Relational Mapper ¥ MongoDB Object Document Mapper ¥ CouchDB Object Document Mapper ¥ PHPCR Object Document Mapper ¥ Migrations
Doctrine2 © 2012 Agavee GmbH namespace Drupal\Bundle\NodeBundle\Document; use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations as MongoDB; use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\PersistentObject; /** * @MongoDB\Document(collection="node") */ class Node extends PersistentObject { !! /** * @MongoDB\Id */ !! protected $id ; !! /** * @MongoDB\String */ !! protected $title ; // accessor and mutators } Drupalcon Mnich 2012 - Introducing Symfony2
Twig © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 A ßexible, fast and secure template engine for PHP. It offers a great set of features, a concise syntax and very good performances (it compiles to PHP and has an optional C extension); moreover itÕs super easy to extend and itÕs thoughtfully documented. It gives the presentation layer a big boost in terms of expressiveness, making it more powerful and easier to use: prepare yourself for sweet hugs by front-end developers :)
Twig © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 {# Node list page #} {% extends Ôlayout.html.twigÕ %} {% macro node_render ( node ) %}
{{ node.title | title }}
© 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2
Assetic © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 $css = new AssetCollection( array ( new FileAsset( '/path/to/src/styles.less' , array ( new LessFilter())), new GlobAsset( '/path/to/css/*' ), ), array ( new Yui\CssCompressorFilter( '/path/to/yuicompressor.jar' ), )); // this will echo CSS compiled by LESS and compressed by YUI echo $css -> dump (); An advanced asset management framework for PHP. It ships with a strong set of Þlters for handling css, js, less, sass, compression, minifying and much more. Moreover, itÕs nicely integrated with Twig.
And Many Moar! © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Find many more Symfony2 Bundles and PHP Libraries at and ! (and while youÕre at it, take a look at Composer ! ;)
Giving The Devil His Due © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Some resources I used to make these slides: ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥
Thank You! © 2012 Agavee GmbH Drupal Developer Days 2012 Barcelona - Introducing Symfony2 Claudio Beatrice @omissis