by ganjarruntiko

12 slides

Konflik dalam Keluarga

Published Dec 10, 2013 in Education
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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript

Konflik @ ganjarruntiko

Apakah Konflik ? Peristiwa sosial yang mengandung penentangan atau ketidaksetujuan

Perspektif materialisme dialektik Keragaman atau pluralitas Tidak terelakkan Pendorong kematangan Ketidakcocokan

Proses Konflik

Prior conditions stage Conflict doesn t occur without some prior reason or relation of the present event to the past experiences in the family

Frustration and awareness stage involves one or more family members becoming frustrated that some person or group is blocking them from satisfying some need or concern

Active conflict stage The conflict manifests itself in a series of verbal and nonverbal messages

Solution stage The active conflict stage evolves into the solution stage when some resolution of the problem takes place

Follow up stage The final follow - up stage could also be called aftermath because it includes the later reactions that follow the conflict and affect future interactions

PR Pekerjaan Rame - rame Lakukan wawancara dengan seorang remaja laki - laki dan seorang remaja perempuan dan tanyakan konflik yang mereka alami dengan : Ayahnya Ibunya Kakaknya / adiknya , dan Teman - temn bermainnya

Caranya Bikin kelompok 4 5 orang nggak boleh ditawar Kumpulkan tugas berupa CD yang berisi File MP3 hasil wawancara atau MP4 dari rekaman kamera Artikel ilmiah yang membahas mengenai hasil wawancara Anda Tugas dikumpulkan pada hari Rabu , 27 November 2013