by gordonramsey

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7 most important motorcycle safety tips.pdf

Published Oct 7, 2013 in Business & Management
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Thanks to the motorcycle invention and its improvements with time since they have led to the improved and flexible means of transportation across various parts of the world

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7 most important motorcycle safety tips P ublished by :

Thanks to the motorcycle invention and its improvements with time since they have led to the improved and flexible means of transportation across various parts of the world. But it is also es risks. Motor cycles also have risks and one should be keen and ensure that safety precautions are met in order to avoid accidents and keep it in good co n dition. In this article we highlight some of the top and most important things that one should consider as safety measures to stay safe; Invest in antilock brakes. With the most advanced technology of the antilock brakes, people are able to stay safe from accidents that occur due to braking issues o f motorcycle and vehicles. Nowadays, many new models come in fitted with the anti lock brakes. Wh en the braking system fails, it locks up the breaks in a panic robbing the driver of the steering control. With the ABS system the driver is able to retain th e steering control and therefore able to get an emergency stop. It is also recommended that any motorcyclist who does not have them fitted to have them customized to increase safety. Always have the helmet on Many people are ignorant to some things like wearing a helmet when taking a ride on the motorcycle forgetting that there are risks with riding on the bike. In a recent research 40 percent of people riding without helmets are at high chances of getting head injury incase of an accident. It is therefore that as a rider or a person who is being carried on any bike, to ensure that they have helmets to ensure that they have increased safety and are well protected. Avoid bad weather. Another most assumed and igno red risk taking that many people take is to ride or get a ride from someone during a bad weather. The bad weathers that one should not be taking are the rainy one, snowy weathers and when the weather is unpredictable. To stay safe, one should be ready and always eyes - on to ensure that there are no risks at all. M ost accidents ha ppe n on slippery roads mostly during the rainy seasons. In case one is caught up in bad weather un - aware, they should be keen and avoid speeding. People may think that rushing for sh elter will be good but in the real sense they should be moving slowly to avoid sliding. Ensure that your bike is set Another major thing that one should ensure is that the bike is ready and is in good condition for the ride. Among some of the things that one should check out are the lights; Front lights,

indicators and braking lights should be good. The braking and the cl utch system should be in its good condition and ready. Check out this link at colin app le yard Dress - up for the ride Another thing that not many riders take note of is the dressing code when riding. It is proven that the way one dresses during the ride reduces the risks and the chances of getting accidents. It all starts with the grip where o ne is required to wear gloves for tight steering and avoid slid ing and sweating. One should also wear a reflective coat that is both good in preventing the cold and also keeping up with the traffic. Proper boots are also a necessity when riding. Don't d rink alcohol It is always known that drinking alcohol will change how one behaves and this is not left out . I f you drin k and drive you are putting yourself into more risks since one is not normal anymore. Alcohol may cause drowsiness and if this happens while someone is driving, chances are they may cause accidents. To be on the safe side one should avoid this at all costs. Keep up with the common rules In everything there are rules and so is it with riding motorcycles. There are various rules that one sh ould always stick to when cycling and these are good ways of ensuring that you stay safe. - Some people assume things just as they see them in the mirror and this puts them at more risks since the road users are not guaranteed of what they can do next. Brake slow - a good rider should always break slow to avoid issues and high risks of accidents. Follow the traffic sign and rules - One should also keep up to the traffic laws at all times to avoid issues and reduce the risks. Check out more on colin apple yard motorcycles . Summary Riding motorbikes has risks just like in any other vehicle on the traffic. This article highlights some of the most common and safety measures that a rider should ensure they adhere to reduce the risks of accidents and stay safe. V isit this site to learn more :