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04/20/2013 The Green Economics Group Weekly Update University of Chicago Compiled by: Johnny Antos, Technology Consultant De fi nitions To Know Green GDP : This is a way to index traditional GDP to account for environmental consequences of that growth. Austerity Measures : These are a set of policies that governments enact to reduce budget deficits in the face o f adverse economic conditions. Env ironmental Economics World News Cost of Environmental Damage in China Growing Rapidly Amid Industrialization Although t rapid industrial growth is costly the environment, the economic cost of this damage was not known. It is estimated that the cost of environmental degradation in China in 2010 al reflects both pollution and destruction of ecosystems . Link : New York Times " Cost of Environmental Damage in China Growing Rapidly Amid Industrialization " E conomic and Financial News Revolution in the A ir Sinzo Abe, president of Japan, appointed Haruhiko Kuroda to the he ad of the Japanese central bank. Haruhiko has deflation and weak growth . including low domestic demand, weak competition i n s ectors, and an aging population. Some believe that Abe should tax retained earnings of corporations, as many corporations in Japan have excessi ve savings. Link : The Economist "Revolution in the Air " Interesting News The 90% Question Essentially, there was a study done in 2010 by two Harvard economists, Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff , that suggested that this 90% figu re is the threshold for when GDP growth is sever ely impacted by government debt. Several critical years of dat a from New Zealand were omitted, and once these data points are incorporated, their Link : The Economist "The 90% Question " Kootenai River The Kootenai River, which flows through parts of Canada, Montana and Idaho, is one of waterways Source : The Huffington Post "Kootenai River " Green Economics Group Environmental Economics Weekly Update