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Published Jan 28, 2017 in
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Facebook privacy and security Help Desk.ppt... Read more
There are many Problems what a user face while using facebook. These problems could be related to hacking, unwanted users, spamming etc. These problems can be resolved using "facebook security and privacy settings" which is offered by the facebook itself. In this presentation, you will be having a fair view of how to configure your facebook security and privacy settings and what facebook is Exactly!
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Facebook Privacy And SecurityGonetech.comClick here for further assistance
What is It is a Most Popular Social Networking WebsiteOver 1 billion Users are on Facebook4.5 billion Likes generates every day1.18 Billion users log into their accounts each day and it is increased by 16%Facebook users are 76% female (out of 100% of all females) and 66% male (out of 100% of all males)
What is Privacy? Privacy means to have not to disturb or observed by anyone else other than you. Group Privacy Page Privacy Ad Privacy Data Privacy Photo privacy Information Privacy Video Privacy
What is Security? Security means to have a guaranty or the fulfillment of the state on which your data will not surely be stolen or observed by anyone else. Group Security Page Security Ad Security Data Security Account Security
Why it is so Important?
Facebook PrivacyFacebook currently has over 1.79 billion active usersEach users specifies their personal DetailsFor example:
What kind of details can a person gather from facebook?Your NameYour LocationYour SchoolHometownEven NumberYour Daily Activity…………Many More
Steps to enhance your Privacy and SecurityHomepage of facebook pageFirst is your homepageGo to settingsThen Go to Privacy/SecurityYou will get Three options to selectEveryoneFriends of FriendsFriends onlySelect whatever suites according to you!http://gonetech.net/facebook-helpdesk/how-to-protect-facebook-account
Homepage of Facebook
Your Homepage looks like this!
Click on drop down Menu on top-Right corner of your account and click on Setting Click Here for Settings
Click on Security on the Left side listClick Here on Security
Here you will Get many OptionsChoose according to youLogin Alerts: You can choose the way in which you want login Alerts
There are many more opetions on Security Pagelogin ApprovalsApp PasswordsPublic KeysTrusted contactsRecognize DevicesWhere you Have Logged inProfile Picture LoginDeactivate AccountThis is two factor Authentication Text sms Security Keys Code generator Recovery CodeThis is for securing your apps on facebook (If you have one)You can use this public key to encrypt notification emails that Facebook sends you!Your trusted contacts are friends who you chose who can securely help if you ever have trouble accessing your account.By using this option, You can tell facebook that these are your devices on which your account runsThis option will show you in how many devices has your account active!If you find anything odd, You can end that activity immediately! You can just click your profile picture instead of typing a password to log into your account.A legacy contact is someone who you choose to manage your account after you pass away. They'll be able to do things like pin a post on your Timeline, respond to new friend requests and update your profile picture.
Click on Privacy on the Left side listClick Here on Privacy
Here you will Get mainly Three OptionsWho Can see my stuff? You can Choose Friends (Only your friends will be able to see your stuff) Two more options are there Public (Everybody on facebook will be able to see your stuff) Only me (Only you on facebook will be able to see your stuff) Custom (The friends you have chosen on facebook as “share with” will be able to see your stuff)
There are Two more options on Privacy PageWho can look me up?You can choose who can send you the friend requestWho can contact me?You can choose you are visible by using:Phone numberSearch EngineEmail ID
Latest changesThere are many security and privacy features are there:Facebook itself Ban people who are spamming on facebook or have unauthenticated accountPeople are not allowed to use facebook who are under 13 years.Facebook warns people who use things which has patent and without having permission of the owner….
What to do if you still find the problem?+1 – 844 – 773 – 9313 (US/CANADA)+44 – 800 – 051 – 3717 (UK)+61 – 180 – 082 – 5192 (AUS)http://gonetech.net/facebook-customer-support-number/