by mrvaughan

5 slides


Published Dec 5, 2016 in Business & Management
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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript



The Duat (Afterlife)The duat was a gateway to the afterlife. Firstly you be mummified with amulets to protect you. Secondly you would have had a funeral called the opening of the mouth. Next enter the duat and begin your quest to survive against all the evil spirits. Then you will meet Isis god of wisdom and love who will give you to the great god Ra. He will drop you off to a type of gods who you need to say a sine that you had not committed. Finally your heart will be weighed by Anubis with the feather of truth. If your heart is lighter than the feather you are free to go into the afterlife. If not you will be nothing but a memory.

MummificationHow long did mummification take I hear you ask. Well your about to find out. It took 70 whole days to complete mummification and this was because you had to do so many different things. One of the many things you had to do was take the organs out of their body and that wasn’t a very nice job. The coffins they used were called sarchofocuses. They were the same as any over coffin. However, the richer you were the more treasure you would have been buried with.

the endThankyou for watching and hope you enjoyed