by mrvaughan

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Published Dec 5, 2016 in Business & Management
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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Amazing EgyptiansGrace Daughtrey

GodsThe Egyptians worshiped lots of gods and goddesses. Osiris and Isis are two of them. Some of them had the body of a human andthe head of an animal. They were all believed to have different powers. Also some of them lived in the underworld. Some could shapeshift.

FoodThe Ancient Egyptians ate different food from us now. They got birds from the Nile and they farmed cattle and crops. They ate vegetables, duck, meat and flat bread.

MummificationWhen Pharaohs passed away the got mummified. This took 70 to 100 days. You had to do steps in order if you want a perfect mummy. You must use linen bandages not ordinary ones or else it will not work. After you had mummified someone you must put the Pearson in a sarcophagus.

Other factsCleopatra was the last ruler of Egypt.The great pyramid of Giza is the biggest pyramid in Egypt.Tuntancarmuns tome was the only one that had not been raided.There was a sculpture called the sphinx. It was a human headed lion