by franksanpietro

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Frank SanPietro on how California Aims Retirement Plan at Those Whose Jobs Offer None.ppt

Published Sep 8, 2016 in Business & Management
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Frank SanPietro on how California Aims Retirement Plan at Those Whose Jobs Offer None.ppt... Read more

The proposal is to implement mandatory retirement savings at all CA employers. In those instances where a company does not offer retirement benefits, the state will take 3% of the workers pay and put those funds into a retirement account for that individual. While on the surface, this seems completely benevolent (who could argue with the idea that Golden State workers will have resources for their Golden years?), the implementation of the plan raises some not-so-shiny concerns. Find out why on my blog:

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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript

Frank SanPietro on how California Aims Retirement Plan at Those Whose Jobs Offer None