by markinbrighton

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West Pier strategy v5.ppt

Published Aug 17, 2014 in Business & Management
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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript

A bridge to the futureThe new West Pier1Strategy

IntroductionThe proud history and sad decline of the Brighton West Pier is a familiar and well documented story, and whilst the old pier is now all but gone, the memory of the old pier and the desire to see a new one rise from its ashes remain as strong as ever. Brighton without a West Pier seems inconceivable to its residents and visitors alike.The West Pier Trust is looking to develop a strategy for the future development of the pier and surrounding area. The strategy will be developed in conjunction with the members of the West Pier Trust, the people and business of Brighton, Brighton and Hove City Council and other key stakeholders.This document outlines a framework for the development of that strategy and poses some questions for the people of Brighton2Strategy

Introduction – the frameworkTo outline the key enablers and constraints that must be addressedTo note the outstanding commitments of the West Pier Trust that must be discharged before a new West Pier can be consideredTo propose a route for the development of options for any new West PierTo consult in the first instance the members of the West Pier TrustTo consult the residents and business of Brighton and Hove through a managed public debateTo use the consultations as a basis for a brief for a new West PierTo formally consult on the brief with the members, the residents and business (and their representative groups), Brighton and Hove City Council, English Heritage and potential partners3Strategy

Introduction – AssumptionsIt is the intent of the West Pier Trust that a new West Pier will deliver against these objects 4StrategyThe strategy for a new West Pier rest on several assumptions:There are a set of key enablers which must be delivered in order to facilitate the development of a new West PierThere are set of key constraints which must be acknowledged and managed in order to deliver the right platform for a new West Pier.There is a wider context in which and new West Pier must sit in harmony withAll are outlined within the strategy, with the West pier Trusts thoughts on possible strategic options for a new West Pier.The West Pier Trust is now keen to widen the debate and seek opinions from key stakeholders, initially from the members of the Trust but also from the wider community of Brighton and Hove

Introduction – Aims of the TrustIt should be noted from the outset that the West Pier Trust is bound by its Objects and any strategy will therefore be built within this context.The West Pier Trust was created in 1978, a charity and non-profit making limited company which owns the pier and the rights that attach to it. The objects for which the trust is established areTo preserve and enhance for the public benefit the area compromising the pier, the foreshore around and below it and their immediate surroundings which are hereinafter referred to as the ‘area of benefit’To promote high standards of planning and architecture in the area of benefitTo secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historic interest in the area of benefitIt is the intent of the West Pier Trust that a new West Pier will deliver against these objects 5Strategy

Key enablers – a basis for a new West Pier6AssumptionsA new West PierThe assumptions provide a basis for any future strategy and to what key enablers will need to be enacted (and in what order) before any consideration could be given to the development of the new West Pier.

Enablers – the i360 has been completed7AssumptionsThe i360 tower provides a key visitor attraction for the city and will draw significant numbers of visitors to the site.It will also provide for the restoration of the Rock Shop helping to meet aim 3 of the Trusts objectsThe i360 will also provide an income to the Trust once it begins operation. This income can then be used to further the aims of the Trust in future.A 2007 Development Agreement between the Trust and i360 Ltd. governs the relationship between the two parties. Very strict conditions apply to either party wishing to end the agreement.Construction of i360 meets the objects of the Trust (aims 1 and 2).

Enablers – the sea wreckage is cleared8AssumptionsThe S106 Agreement for the construction of the i360 places an obligation on the Trust to remove the “Sea Wreckage” within two years of the opening of the i360. The “Sea Wreckage” comprises all the remains of the West Pier between the root end (where the i360 will be built) and the sea island.Some of the sea wreckage will be salvaged for the landscaping around the i360, helping to meet aim 3 of the Trusts objectsThis obligation will be a significant cost to the Trust (or any developer building a new pier) and, unless a revision to the requirement and/or timescale can be negotiated, will be the first call on the income to the Trust from the operation of i360

Enablers – the heritage centre has been built9AssumptionsInsert picture of 1860 kiosk Once outstanding legal and financial obligations are discharged, the first priority of the West Pier Trust will be to build the West Pier Heritage Centre.This heritage centre involves the reconstruction of one of the iconic 1866 octagonal pier kiosks from the West Pier in a prominent position on an area of the seafront adjacent to i360. This area is to be newly landscaped by the city council as part of the project. Together with two adjacent arches, this heritage centre would be run by the Trust and would combine an exhibition of artefacts from the West Pier together with multi-media displays of the history of the pier. It will go a long way towards meeting aim 3 of the Trusts objects.While the Trust will make a contribution to the cost of the works, the project would be dependent upon a successful bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for support.

Enablers – the sea island has no long term future10AssumptionsCould the ‘sea island’ be part of a new West Pier?The ‘sea island’ structure, although now and iconic part of the Brighton seafront is steadily deteriorating. Recent storms have demonstrated that the structure is unsound. Even with serious intervention its eventual disintegration is inevitable.Even were it desirable, it would not be feasible to protect and maintain the structure in its current or any other form. The implications for the Trust are:that while the structure remains in place the Trust has an obligation to keep people and shipping away from the area.that any option for a new pier which requires the seabed currently occupied by the sea island will effectively need to include the dismantling and removal of the remains of the structure

Key constraints – a basis for a new West Pier11AssumptionsA new West PierThe key enablers provide as basis for the direction of any future strategy, but any strategy must also be cognisant of any constraints. The constraints will need to be addressed before any consideration could be given to the development of the new West Pier.

Constraints – the heritage contextThe original West Pier was one of only two Grade I listed piers and regarded by many as the most beautiful marine pier as well as one of the earliest promenade piers. Technologically challenging as well as being popular, it was monumentally conceived while also decorative.The remnants of the West Pier remain in place and remain listed. Any removal of these will therefore need to be accompanied by a heritage appraisal that builds upon English Heritage’s report into ‘The Case for Repairing the West Pier’, dated 27 July 2004. That report stated that the damage to the pier following the storm of 23 June 2004 is sufficient to cast considerable doubt on the intellectual case for the reconstruction of the pier. As such, it is considered that “restoration” is now not possible. It was considered that a reconstructed pier would lack historic credibility and integrity. Any new West Pier would need to consent of English Heritage to de-list the old.12Assumptions

Constraints – the heritage contextThe heritage context of the West Pier must also be viewed in relation to the i360. At the time of the original applications for the i360 it was viewed, if not as a complete replacement for the West Pier, at least partially so.Essentially it was viewed as a modern interpretation of a pier, or viewing platform, placed upright instead of out to sea. The City’s conservation manager considered the i360 proposal ‘an entirely appropriate replacement for the West Pier and serving a not dissimilar function’. Especially as it was to accommodate and re-use parts of the pier. He concluded that ‘It will bring forward a quality scheme and end the uncertainty surrounding the future of the derelict pier’.English Heritage welcomed ‘a project which would provide an outstanding feature on the seafront and a worthy companion to any successor to the West Pier, whether rebuilt or replaced. ‘ 13Assumptions

Constraints – the local policy contextThe Council continues to see it as desirable to encourage visitors and residents to make full use the seafront . The restoration of the West Pier could be seen as one of those ‘events’.The requirements of SA1 in the City Plan broadly support the ongoing regeneration of the seafront in an integrated manner. Year round sport, leisure and cultural facilities are encouraged subject to them complementing the outstanding historic setting and natural landscape value. Whilst still anticipating the possibility of a restored West Pier SA1 refers only to ‘any future proposal’ …‘is of high quality, complements the seafront regeneration and values its biodiversity interest.’  14Assumptions

Constraints – the local policy contextHousing policy: Whilst a new West Pier might contribute toward housing provision it seems unlikely that any housing on a pier would make a significant contribution towards the housing needs of residents of the city. Serviced apartment may still provide an alternative offer for the tourist market. Hotel policy: The seafront south of the A259 is outside the Hotel Core Zone and any hotel proposal would have to consider an analysis of sequentially preferable sites and the impact upon the existing hotel market. Leisure policy: as noted above, year round sport, leisure and cultural facilities are encouraged15Assumptions

Constraints – integration with the i360The i360 is now seen as landmark regeneration project for the city and any proposal that prejudices its delivery would not be viewed positively. Any new West Pier must integrate with and enhance the i360 and the surrounding landscaping.The company “i360 Ltd” is a key stakeholder in the interests of the West Pier trust. It currently has rights of approval over any future pier development. Whereas it is currently considered in the interests of all parties to investigate a ne West Pier, it must be noted that under current contract arrangements i360 Ltd will have a formal say in the matterKey points of integration must include:How to create access to a new West Pier without compromising the i360Design and architectural harmony with the i360Visitor and demand management16Assumptions

Constraints – a new West Pier must be fundedThe West Pier Trust, whilst currently solvent and stable has current financial obligations which must be met before any expenditure on a new West Pier can be considered. These include (but not exclusively):Outstanding liabilities in relation to the i360Costs to clear the sea wreckage and islandFinancial contribution to the construction and operation of the West Pier Heritage Centre Once operating, the i360 will afford an income stream to the West Pier Trust which can be used to facilitate the development of a new West PierIt is considered that a new West Pier will only be possible if the West Pier Trust finds a partner who can work with the Trust in delivering its Objects and the vision for a new West Pier outlined in this document. A pier development solely funded by the West Pier Trust is currently not financially viable17Assumptions

The Context – a basis for a new West Pier18AssumptionsA new West PierThe key enablers and constraints provide a basis for what must be delivered before a new West Pier could become a reality, but do not give a clear direction as to how any new pier should develop. Only by looking at the context can we start to get a clearer picture

Brighton and Hove19ContextA growing new EconomyBrighton has a diverse and growing new economy, with a significant proportion of income coming from the creative and digital industries. Any new West Pier should seek to harness this local dynamism and expertise and both benefit from and contribute to this new economy. The new West Pier could become a showcase for Brighton and Hove’s business community A centre for creative tourismTourism has always been (and always will be) at the heart of Brighton and Hove’s being. However, the nature of that visitor experience is always changing and a new West Pier could be at the forefront of a new ‘creative’ tourism. A new West Pier should lead with innovative and sustainable visitor attractions that compliment the creative and alternative spirit of the CityA diverse populationThe city has a large and diverse population, residents who live and work in the city, London commuters, students amongst many others. A new West Pier would need to draw upon and harness the diverse ideas, lifestyles and aspirations for all of Brighton and Hove’s communities, becoming a ‘village hall’ for the whole city.A centre for alternative, sustainable thinkingBrighton and Hove have led the way as a centre for sustainable thinking and alternative lifestyles. A new West Pier would have to acknowledge to need to be sustainable at all levels and perhaps provide a platform for new exciting concepts .

The British Seaside20ContextThe seaside as another placePeople have always come to the seaside to ‘get away’ and to take themselves to another world. Seaside attractions have risen to this desire and produced architecture that is rarely found elsewhere. From the orientalism of the Royal Pavillion and Palace Pier to the innovative engineering of the Volks Railway and the Chain Pier, Brighton has always catered to this desire.A place to have traditional funThe seaside is a place of good hearted traditional fun, and a new West Pier should be based in this tradition. The seaside has provided a place for entertainment, pleasure and social engagement for many years and the new West Pier could provide new opportunities for visitors and residents alike to socialise, meet and be entertained

The ‘old’ West Pier21ContextWalking on waterVisitors from around Britain came to the West Pier to experience the effect of ‘walking on water’; an experience that they could not get elsewhere. A new West Pier would aim to continue this tradition of giving people a new experience through a new modern interpretationA pioneer of engineering and technologyThe old West Pier pioneered many new technologies; in its day it was at the forefront of technical innovation and contemporary fashion. A new West Pier should aim to live up to its predecessor by also pioneering new technologies and fashionsA beautiful and elegant structureThe seafront of Brighton and Hove is a beautiful place. The old West Pier contributed harmoniously to the elegance of the seafront scene. A new West Pier would need to be of such a quality and design that it enhances and complimented the urban grain of the seafront landscape A modern day iconA new West Pier must aspire to be a modern day icon itself; not just a pale shadow of the former pier or an imitation of other piers but a ground breaking structure in its own right

The Opportunity – the case for a new west pier22Context

The new West Pier – a bridge to the future23VisionA bridge to the Future

The new West Pier – foundations of the vision24VisionPrideVirtual realityInsert pictureInsert pictureBusinessCommutersRoyal PavilionWest Pier Concert HallSeafrontBrighton FestivalBrunswick squareJubilee LibraryAquariumBrunswick market

The new West Pier – design principles25VisionThe foundations of the vision provide a framework for what the new West Pier should be and the direction any design should take. It must be ‘of Brighton’, designed to be at the heart of the lifting people into another world. From these foundations, key design principles can be derived.

The new West Pier - options26PlansThe foundations of the vision and design principles can be realised in many different forms. These forms span from a simple ‘promenade pier, to a more complex an substantial pier housing a visitor attraction.Both ends of the spectrum have their own pros and cons as does the ‘do nothing’ optionAlso, however seemingly undesirable on first inspection the option of ‘do nothing’ must be considered. If the Trust did opt to ‘do nothing’ i.e. not build a sea based pier it must decide what it should become. The objects of the Trust do not commit it to pursue the construction on a new pier, just to maintain the heritage of the West Pier and enhance the benefit of the area to the public. This could be discharged in many ways that did not include a new West Pier e.g.Management and curation of the West Pier Heritage centreActing as an educational Trust , focussing on the history and heritage of the old West Pier

The new West Pier - options27PlansThe design principles can be realised in many different forms from a simple ‘promenade pier, to a more complex an substantial pier housing a visitor attraction. Both ends of the spectrum have their own pros and cons.A promenade pierProsAn additional ‘pulse point’ along the seafront.A sea-based point of focus for the i360, connecting and bringing back into context the root end of the old West PierAccessible to all but with less access needs, thus less potential conflict with the i360Simple, elegant with minimal impact on the landscapeMore economical to build with lesser need for an enabling commercial developmentAn alternative to the ‘entertainment based’ Palace Pier.Options for ‘pop-up’ community and cultural uses. ConsNot in the spirit of the old West Pier as an exciting, innovative visitor destinationNo significant contribution to the cultural, social or economic life of Brighton and HoveNo commercial enabling activity to deliver construction funds or ongoing maintenance income

The new West Pier - options28PlansThe design principles can be realised in many different forms from a simple ‘promenade pier, to a more complex an substantial pier housing a visitor attraction. Both ends of the spectrum have their own pros and cons.A visitor attractionProsA new icon for the CityA chance to engage the community in a new, exciting and contemporary architectureIn the spirit of the old West Pier as an exciting, innovative visitor destinationAn opportunity to showcase local talent, business and creativity through the choice of visitor attractionA significant ‘pulse point’ along the seafront, driving visitors toward Preston Road.An enabler to the seafront strategyPotential to significantly contribute to the cultural, social or economic life of Brighton and HoveConsSignificant expensePotential need for significant and possibly unwelcome development. The amount required to secure a viable scheme may be too much for the public appetite of to secure planning.There is potentially a greater financial risk to the West Pier Trust

Snapshot of activity29PlansDatesi36020152016Beyond2014Construction beginsConstruction endsOpen and operatingMarket closesHeritage CentreWreckageHeritage Lottery submissionStage 1 Heritage Lottery decisionStage 2 Heritage Lottery decisionConstruction beginsOpen and operatingClearance begins with 2 years of i360 openingThe new West PierConsult members on strategyOpen ‘managed’ public debateAGM - Summarise consultationsDevelop planning briefSeek development partner