by natashachloe

5 slides

One Step At A Time

Published Mar 29, 2013 in Education
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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript

'One Step At A Time'

Initial Idea
Look into Accident Recovery
As a focus point for our project we are looking into the development of skills and life changes that those people involved in traumatic accidents have to concur in order to re-establish a life for themselves.

We have been looking at the involvement of performance and involvement of other artists work and trying to incorporate it within our own idea in order to contextualize a outcome for work.

Documentary Presentation as final result
Standard Recovery Process
Views by Doctors
Actual Stories
Feelings and Emotions

Petra Kuppers
Teacher, Dancer and Author
Born disabled (Wheelchair User)
The human body intrigues her.
She has traveled the world and bridged gaps between disability culture and the body as an instrument for expression.

Disability and Contemporary Performance: Bodies on the Edge
Explores the ways in which disabled performers challenge, change and work with current stereotypes through their work.

Her performances are multimedial; fusing video, poetry and dance and encouraging audience participation.

Inspiration from Kuppers

Idea that her performances are multimedial
Use of Video, Music, Poetry and Dance.

Possible movement piece as content does not have to all be contained within documentary film.

How We Will Work With Participants??
One aspect that we have been particularly interested in when reviewing possible participants is those with loss of movement and speech after their encounters with such things as car accidents.

After attending Newham hospital and speaking to members of staff about the different types of stages that people have to go though as an initial assessment, we have discovered that in order to be able to engage with our hopeful participants there is a number of hospitals that we need to attended. This will hopefully provide a way in which we will be able to work with them. We will to be able to document their stories and actions through the use of video, audio, and written interviews, based on the severity and the wishes of the patients and their willingness to participate.

Participatory Benefits
Show the struggle and strength - Inspirational
Encourage people to help
Create awareness and understanding