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Mcdaniel_organdadmin Ade6265_Academic Advisement in the Online Environment.pptx

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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript

Academic Advisement in the Online EnvironmentRobin McDanielADE6265

IntroductionHigher education must meet population necessitiesRapidly growing segments of adult education is online learningStudents may lack “connectedness”Need for stronger programsProgram structure and understanding of students is critical

Background“Few experiences in students' post-secondary career have as much potential for influencing their development as does academic advising” (NACADA, 1994, p. 85).Students may get lost in the shuffle of an often overwhelming barrage of academic requirementsHow students perceive online learning may affect academic initiativeLack of adequate academic advisement services may lead to poor student perception online education, and result in decreased academic success.


StudiesNorth Carolina A&T State University Found that a lack of preparation is one of the main factors that can lead to student difficulties or withdrawal. The study determined that many students who experienced academic problems did not seek assistance, and those who did seek assistance found academic advisement services ineffective (Chen & Anwar, 2007).California community college districtsCounselors feel that student needs cannot be met with online advisement alone (Smith, 2009). The perception of the ineffectiveness of academic advisement by both faculty and students may undermine the core mission of online academic advisement.

RecommendationsAdvisement services are not only useful for class scheduling, but might also serve as an opportunity for motivate and mentor students in the online environmenttethering may work to encourage interactions of previously disconnected units (ie., administration, advisement, faculty and students), to create a fixed unit that is capable of cooperating to form a body of useful knowledge. Create learning communities: Organize smaller groups of students and faculty assist students in forming networks of social support provide a venue for socialization that suits the anticipation of the profession (Schaumleffel, 2009).

Online ToolsIn the online environment, faculty might engage students using online learning systems. Online management learning systems (OLMS) such as Blackboard and WebCT are capable of being adapted for advisement purposes (Schaumleffel, N. A. 2009). These platforms can be utilized to create learning communities that help institutions form social networks of support for students. Blogging, discussions and other interactive activities that are assimilated into existing platforms may be underutilized by academic advisors and other facilitators in online courses.

DiscussionUse non-traditional advisement methods to connect with studentsAcademia might consider integrating into their curriculum include social networking, video, virtual reality and gamingNon-traditional students might benefit from “concierge” advisementConcierge is more personalized and career orientedAcademic advisement in the online environment is an area of educational services that needs to constantly reflect and evaluate to maintain effectiveness.Academic advisement services need to stay abreast of new technologies that enable them to connect students to relevant services that will help them attain academic and career success.

ReferencesHabley, W. R. (2004). The status of academic advising: Findings from the ACT sixth annual survey. (NACADA Monograph Series No. 10). Manhattan, KS: National Academic Advising Association.NACADA. (1994). NACADA Statement of Core Values of Academic Advising. Retrieved from NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources Web site:, N. A. (2009). Enhanced academic advisement with online learning management systems. Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 24, 142+.Shapiro, N. S., & Levin, J. H. (1999). Creating learning communities: A practical guide to winning support, organizing for change and implementing programs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.Slagter van T., P. & Bishop, M. (2012) Evaluating social connectedness online: the design and development of the Social Perceptions in Learning Contexts Instrument, Distance Education, 333(3), 347-364. Retrieved from, M. (2009). Questions and perceptions: An investigation of community college counselor performance expectations of students utilizing online advisement. (Unpublished PhD). University of California, Ann Arbor, United States.Targeted News Service, (2012). Online adult learning program secures funding to enable innovative career advisement. Targeted News Service. {Wire Feed}. Washington, D.C. Retrieved from