by luciadallari

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Water Project Escola Ciutat d'Alba.pptx

Published Feb 27, 2014 in Science
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Water Project Escola Ciutat d'Alba.pptx... Read more

A l'àrea de Science, amb els nens i nenes de 5è de Primària hem treballat un projecte interdisciplinar sobre l'aigua (propietats, usos, consum responsable...) Compartim el Power Point, que és el producte final d'aquest projecte col·laboratiu.

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Presentation Slides & Transcript

Presentation Slides & Transcript

OUR PROJECT: WATERName of the class: Pins Year: 5School: Ciutat d’Alba

THE WATER IN PLANET EARTH This slide is done by Hugo Pernia, Marta Joly, Oriol Sanchez & Mireia BarraganIn the planet Earth there is 70% of water. There is water in the ocean, in the river, in the sea and in the lakes.Our lifes need water.The water is important for the planet Earth, because without the water there is no life. We need water for our daily activities. Without water we would dehydrate and die.

THE WATER CYCLEThe water cycle is a process because it doesn’t finish.In this cycle the water evaporates, and creates the cloud. Then it rains, and after that, the water falls again in the river. And the cycle is repeated again and again.

Uses of water. Water drops.We can use water for…Drinking, eating, watering the plants, for the trees, for the animals, for the swimming pool, for extinguishing fires, for showering, for cooking, for washing the fruits, etc.

COMPOSITION AND STATES OF WATERThe states of water can be: solid (for example ice), liquid (for example water) and gas (for example vapour). The scientific name of the water is H2O. The water changes state at different temperature:From liquid to solid at 0oC.From liquid to gas at 100oC.

THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER IN OUR LIVESThe water is the essence of life. We all need water:The plants, the trees, the animals, the people …Where there is water there is life. Water is very important. Without water, we would dehydrate. And we would not eat because the vegetables would not have been planted.

RESPONSIBLE USESome actions to do a good use of water are: Close the tap while you brush your teeth. Close the tap while you wash your hands. Use the shower not the bath. Close the tap when you do the washing up.Close the tap when washing fruit.